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                  1. Welcome to the official website of Wuxi Chenna Machinery Co., Ltd. (Changzhou Chenna Hydraulic Machinery Co., Ltd.)!
                    Precision piston rod

                    Professional Sincere Honest Win-win


                    +86-158 9532 0613

                    The role of the packing ring gap of the piston rod

                    First, the gap
                    Mainly used to compensate for the wear of the packing ring.

                    Second, the axial clearance
                    Mainly used to allow the packing ring to float freely, otherwise the piston rod will not work properly.

                    Third, radial clearance
                    Avoid the sinking of the piston rod, so that the packing ring is pressed to avoid deformation or damage.

                    2019/09/25 09:37:37 4205 次

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                    Copy right ? 2019 Wuxi Chenna Machinery Co., Ltd.(Changzhou Chenna Hydraulic Machinery Co., Ltd.) All rights reserved.

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